Clinically Assist Maintaining Physical & Mental Well-Being


  • We at Suwasiri Piyasa securing on Sri Lankan traditions, believe “elders” at their “differently abled present days” must be mindfully taken care with due respect for their service done to society as abled individual in the past.
  • Growing over the age, especially after retirement and children being away people find difficult to adjust with dropping responsibilities as well as fast changing-deteriorating physical conditions. Thus they subject to diseases and find difficult to get quick recovery as well.
  • As an alternative to this dilemma, in the “elderly care clinic”, the elderly people are allowed to take their own time explaining the clinical problems as well as other grievances/ complaints with the Doctor, who carefully assess the overall health condition and not only prescribe medication but also guide to strengthen the mind to find way forward for quick recovery as well as entertain the elderly life.
  • On requirement they are provided with guidance from psychotherapists or Psychiatrist and Physicians specialized in elderly health care management.
  • Our nursing staff, who are especially trained on elderly care are ready offer a warm, friendly and competent nursing care over the time you be with us for treatment.
  • We also offer home nursing care service by deploying a round the clock trained care taker with regular/ on request based visits by a qualified Nurse and/ or Doctor as well.
  • You also can keep your loved elderly relative in “Elderly Care Center” here. We offer Individual room with basic facilities, Food and beverages, Round the clock nursing care and doctor examination.
Call Us 037 222 72 77 / 077 10 99 171


Western medical care.
Ayurveda medical care.
Comfortable accommodation with healthy meals.
24 Hours medical services.
24 Hours services providing by well trained nurses and caregivers.
Cleaning and Laundry services.


Demntia Patients.
Bedridden Patients.
Paralyzed Patients.
Depressed Patients.
Diabetic Patients.
Cancer Patients.
Unconscious Patients.